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Showtime Sound Blog

Showtime Featured in Frederick County, Maryland Economic Development Blog

August, 2023

Topics: Corporate Planner Festivals Touring comedy news Lighting audio sound dc events event production art events Baltimore events LEDWalls university events commencement planning maryland events education comedian Showtime touring audio tour production comedy tour exhibits conference tech Showtime Sound Immersive Hyperreal Sound Hyperreal Sound Immersive Sound New Technology live events Frederick Maryland Frederick Maryland Economic Development Economic Development

Showtime Sound and Telefunken set the Gold Standard on Tour with Kevin Hart

August, 2022

Topics: Tour Touring comedy audio sound microphone l-acoustics comedian Showtime touring audio tour production comedy tour reality check Telefunken Kevin Hart

THE LATEST BUZZ ON SHOWTIME SOUND - L-Acoustics Gets It Right For The Annual Scripps National Spelling Bee

June 2018


Showtime Sound LLC deploys Kara and Kiva II controlled by LA Network Manager allowing Chris “Cap” Capaletti to run a nearly one-man sound show

The article below was featured on L-Acoustics.com


Topics: Insider production events Tour Touring comedy news

Showtime Sound LLC is putting their L-Acoustics on the road with comedian Kevin Hart.

DC-area touring sound company for world’s top comedians hits the road with large K2 system for Kevin Hart’s 100-plus-date Irresponsible world tour

The article below was featured on L-Acoustics.com

Topics: Insider production events Tour Touring comedy news